Saturday 28 November 2015

What's in store from GW's new specialist games studio?

A couple of weeks ago, there was a big flood of excitement about an announcement made by an Australian Games Workshop store, in that they were planning on creating a new specialist games studio attached to Forgeworld. I won't reiterate all the details, as you either already know by now, or you can find it by Googling.

My instant reaction was that if true, it wouldn't last long. Games Workshop have rebooted the specialist game lines several times, but each time it's just a limited thing. And this, post Age of Sigmar, feels like it's just a cash grab. I feel like maybe they're getting desperate to introduce some cashflow.

It's glaringly obvious that Games Workshop are no longer a games company. They are an Intellectual Property (IP) company whose only goal is to make money for their shareholders. Sure, that's what business is about, but it feels like this is what a great many companies are now. The product is incidental, and totally irrelevant. They are cash machines for their shareholders.

So what does an IP company, who are driven only by profits do when they practically annihilate one of their two core products? And I say annihilate purposefully. They need find another source of revenue. Sure they could create new games, but they're not a games company any more. And on top of that, most of the creative people who created all that IP have left and started their own companies such as Warlord and Mantic.

The previous CEO of Games Workshop, Tom Kirby, blatantly admitted publicly that he didn't care what the fans wanted. His goal, of course, was to make money--and as CEO and a shareholder, he had to secure his million dollar annual dividends.

Take note in that document that in the 2014-2015 financial year, GW dividends were paying 52 pence per share. So Mr Kirby pocketed a tidy £1,096,498 on top of his very considerable salary.

So what would I do if I were in GW's shoes, after having destroyed one of their primary sources of income, and watching people (who I had previously admitted I didn't care about) switching over to a competitor's product? Namely Kings of War. Of course, I would go through my extensive catalogue of IP. I would dredge up all those games that many many people around the world love dearly (even though I don't care what they think), and I would dump them on the market again for 6 months, make some more cash, secure next year's dividend, and then reassess in a year's time whether the company was still profitable enough for me to hold onto those 2 million shares, or whether I should cut and run.

It's telling that several sources have quoted the specialist games re-release as a "long term investment" of six months or more. Before reading that I picked that this would last 6-8 months. They'll produce new miniatures, there'll be a surge of excited buying which will dwindle over a couple of months, and then hobbyists will relax comfortable in the assumption that they will be able to buy these games/miniatures at their leisure, GW will see they're not making the sort of profitable returns in the timeframes they were hoping for, and after another couple of months, they'll drop the lines, or at least significantly reduce them.

It doesn't seem to have crossed the current board's minds that the reason many people love their IP, and why they become loyal fans in the first place, is because of the games. Modern GW appears to believe it's just a premium miniature manufacturer, not a games company. Hell, they're even changing the names of their stores from Games Workshop stores to Warhammer stores. It's all about the IP.

The miniatures. The immediate sales. Where longevity is six months.

They don't care about those hobbyists who have been loyal for decades because old fans are not buying miniatures right now. They don't care about people playing their games. It boggles my mind because people playing games are helping to sell miniatures, even if they're not always buying miniatures every week themselves. A hobbyist who plays a game, is loyal to a game, pushes the game among their friends, and plays the game at clubs and tournaments, is part of the support network. He or she is helping build the community that new players need. If a game isn't being played by a community of loyal fans, then it's hard for new players to be introduced to that game, and hence, sales in that area will be lower or non-existent.

If people here in my town all shift to Kings of War at the tournaments and the clubs, then new players interested in miniature wargames are less likely to choose miniatures from a game not being played. They will see gamers playing Kings of War, and they will see the KoW books and miniatures, and they will have the merits of KoW expounded by all the local KoW gamers.

Where will Games Workshop be in all of this?

I don't see how a company that has historically been a games company, with the word GAMES in their name, and who sell miniatures for warGAMES, can just leave the games and the gamers behind. I don't see how they can continue to be successful when they don't care about nurturing and maintaining the loyalty of long-time fans. "Long-time" in the real sense of the word, not in the annual financial forecast sense.

And it really doesn't inspire me with confidence that they will successfully support yet another re-release of their specialist games. My prediction is that GW will produce some miniatures, put them up for sale, not support them or the games in any way, shape, or form, be underwhelmed by the profits, and dump them soon afterward.

What is my stake in this?


  • Warmaster is possibly my favourite fantasy wargame ever. 
  • I love Epic, but never played it when it was out (due to lack of local support and a playerbase), but have been playing with the miniatures using games like Future War Commander
  • I loved Mordheim--played the shit out of it, and possibly enjoyed it more than Warhammer Fantasy Battle. 
  • I always wanted to play Necromunda, but never did for some reason, possibly because I was more invested in 40K at the time and Necromunda wasn't different enough. 
  • I also played a shit tonne of Blood Bowl over the years. 

There are a great many specialist games that I've loved over the years. But I don't love what the company has become. I refuse to support a company that doesn't care about their most loyal fans... you know, the people who ensured that Mr Kirby is getting his million pound dividends now. They would be nothing without those loyal fans.

And besides that, with so many companies now producing quality miniatures, it's possible for me to buy 10mm fantasy miniatures from other manufacturers like Pendraken, Kallistra, Magister Militum, Eureka, and others, there's no need to buy Warmaster minis from GW.

And if I want to play a 6mm science fiction wargame, I have an even larger range of options, such as Plasmablast Games, Angel Barracks, Microworld, Onslaught Minis, Brigade Models, Darkest Star, Dark Realm Miniatures, just to name a few! Many of which can be had for a fraction of the cost of Games Workshop's "premium" prices.

For 28mm games such as Mordheim and Necromunda, well, there's no shortage of manufacturers there. In fact, you can even get many games for free online.

Start doing some hunting if you haven't already, find a new game, find some cheaper miniatures, and start playing it at your local club. If other gamers see people playing more games and not just one or two overpriced "premium" games, they will be inspired by the hobby. Or you may be able to rekindle that flame in old grognards in ways that Games Workshop haven't been able to.

Ultimately, I think these alleged specialist games re-releases are too little too late. We're at a point in time where their irrelevancy has never been greater. Gamers have so many options for miniatures and wargames now, at any scale they care to choose, that GW's announcement is just laughable to me.

So to answer the question in the title--What's in store from GW's new specialist games studio?

Who cares?


  1. yep who cares! sad as it is for me to say it, 30 seconds after i got excited i realized that there was no point and i didn't want to support them.

    1. Yeah, it's a shame that there's so many wasted opportunities in the specialist line. But hey, lots of other options out there now from people who actually do love their games and their fans.

  2. Yeah, there is soooo much good miniatures stuff out there the mind boggles. Thanks for linking to it.

    1. No worries. :) One of these days I'll paint up two armies for Future War Commander and teach you how to play.

  3. Excelleny analysis, sir! I don't know why GW continues to be a viable company. Nor do I understand why fellow games would continue to pay such ridiculous prices for their miniatures. I played almost all of their specialist games. They were never supported. Their supplemental products were truly awful. Do I expect anything different this time? No I don't. So go on, GW/Warhammer/whatever you want to be called. Surprise me. My abject apathy is waiting to be proven wrong. Just like the last time. And the time before that.

    1. Thanks very much.

      I wonder what sort of a company GW would be now if they actually were a workshop of games, pumping new ones out ever year or two and supporting them by keeping them in stock and putting content in their magazines. Or perhaps having a low cost specialist magazine like the old days, when they used to have honest-to-goodness articles by fans (like the old Warmaster mags, not the uber shiny/heavy/expensive marketing pamphlets they have now).

      Anyway, thanks for stopping by and glad you liked it. :)

    2. Yup. I used to go to a store like that a lot in the 80's. They stocked wargames and RPG's from loads of different companies. They produced their own rules, both wargames and RPG's. And a lot of board games. They were a Games Workshop, you might say.
      Pity they've changed so much.

    3. Yeah, I started collecting White Dwarf at issue 99 (late 80s), and that was when they started to shift from RPG and 3rd party content into all their own thing. A few issues later, they switched to the smaller physical dimensions, which marked the shift to 100% GW content as well if I recall.

  4. I was sincerely hoping that GW would sell the Bloodbowl license to FFG. At least then it would be done right. FFGs business model would likely fit better than GWs as well.

    I saw the kiwi price for the new Archaeon today, I knew prices were bad, but seriously $330 for a plastic miniature? That is insanity.

    1. The "aha" moment for me was when I saw an entire chapter of Space Marines for NZ$20,000+. Yes I could put down that deposit on a house, or instead I could buy a lump of plastic toy soldiers. Decisions, decisions.

      I totally forgot to mention this in the article, but forget Blood Bowl. Guild Ball is the new hotness. And you can get it completely free. Including the rules, and even free printable miniatures that you can put onto card stands. You can play it, or decide if you like it and it won't cost you a cent. I've played it once, and totally loved it.

      There are a few great channels on Youtube that cover it. My favourite is called The Battlehammer. Definitely check it out if you haven't already.

  5. Games Workshop™ has great fluff, but I don't have to use their rules in order to play in their universe, and I don't any more, simply because of the need to buy the latest codex in order to be competitive.
    I don't play in the belief that winning validates my existence; I play because playing is fun.

  6. Games Workshop™ has great fluff, but I don't have to use their rules in order to play in their universe, and I don't any more, simply because of the need to buy the latest codex in order to be competitive.
    I don't play in the belief that winning validates my existence; I play because playing is fun.

    1. That reminds me.. we're long overdue for another game of Future War Commander. Will you be around over the Christmas hols?

  7. I hear you,and largely agree... I just hope the announcement give the LOTR/Hobbit line a temporary lifeline and gives me a little more time to save the pennies to 'complete' my collections...

    1. I hope you get them too. But the cynical side of me will say if you don't get them in this round, they'll revive them all again in a few more years. :)
